Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Christmas shopping

So Tuesday is the day that I don't work ....

Up as usual for a week day, off to the dentist for part 2 of crown (completion); on to weight watchers (via Waitrose) where I surprised myself by losing 1.5 lbs; then onto see my mum (very distant today) who happily sang/la-la-la'd along to some Christmas tunes; home (via Lidl); after lunch some admin/phone calls then started wrapping presents (with Christmas music in the background).

Daughter/hubby home from work, tea, then number one daughter and I took a trip to John Lewis (Wycombe) to buy her Christmas pressie (a camera!). This stunning fabric tree was calling out for blipping. Home (via Sainsburys) after getting a much needed coffee .......... now feet up.

(Didn't visit Tesco, Co-op, Morrisons or Asda - save them for another day!)

Hump day tomorrow, have a good one.


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