Another Local Windmill, Maassluis

Indeed, Maassluis might be a sleepy little village near Rotterdam, but it has two windmills. This is the other one.

Wasn't intending to go to work today because I'd already moved the classes to yesterday, but there was a leavetaking dinner organized for my former direct superior, who isn't a bad guy, and so I decided it was an obligation I didn't have a good reason to avoid, although only about 1/3 of the expected attendees actually went. We had to indicate if we were going because reservations had to be made at the restaurant. The food was okay, nothing wrong there, but I don't think I'll feel any urge to patronize the place in future. (In Dutch slang, we call such an eating place a 'tent', which has nothing to do with any kind of camping tent.)

It was the ride to the restaurant, though, that was fun. Squeezed in my tiny KIA were two rather buxomy and giggly Bulgarian colleagues (Finance and Marketing) and one very slender but equally gregarious Chinese colleague (Research Methods) ... the number of languages in the car in the space of 20 minutes! After dinner, I drove all three to the train station so that they wouldn't have to wait for the tram in the freezing cold ... even more laughs! There was this Indonesian guy (Economics) who had sat with us at table and hinted the whole time that he would appreciate it if he could squeeze in with us in the car on the way to the station. Without any pre-arranged signals, we discouraged him. Not tonight!

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