Phoenix Rising

By kmjon

Red tiger eye

Well this is proving difficult to cut. I started off deciding not to drill through, Just in Case. So then I had to decide how I was going to make it into a pendant, so I got some books and had to come up with one. something that was going to last with daily wear and two be quick and easy for me, very much a novice.
I looked In a couple of old books and I came up with this old fashioned way of scoring a baroque shaped stone and epoxy gluing the wire to it and wrapping.
I know there is a lot if wire wrapping done now a days but I hadn't seen the scoring and gluing before so I do hope it's a strong option.
The rock how ever had different ideas. First I tried filing the groove, then I tried sawing the groove finally I got the Dremel out and have been using a cutting wheel. Evan that has been hard going.
I just hope the end result is what I envision.

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