Eat Up!

Dylan: Did you read his Blop yesterday Bandit?
Bandit: Don't you mean Blip?
Dylan: Maybe!
Bandit: Why, what's upsetting you?
Dylan: A couple of people were saying they would like to see me wearing antlers!
Bandit: Oh deer!
Dylan: Do you have to? Well I'm thinking of reporting them to the RSPB.
Bandit: What's that Dylan?
Dylan: The Royal Society for the Prevention of Bunnies.
Bandit: Don't you mean Protection?
Dylan: Possibly! And the NUB.
Bandit: Go on.
Dylan: The National Union of Bunnies.
Bandit: I see there's going to be changes to Blip. Lots of newfangled things.
Dylan: Oh no! Does that mean more swearing from him when he can't do something?
Bandit: Almost certainly.

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