Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Museum Day

Today we went to the Science Museum in London to see the exhibition "Drawn by Light: The Royal Photographic Society Collection". A fascinating exhibition, featuring some really old photographs, and some amazing ones, including the iconic portrait of the Afghan Girl that featured on the front cover of National Geographic magazine.

After W went off to her course, I also looked at the exhibition of photos taken for the housing charity 'Shelter' in 1968 - 72. It was really very moving, looking at the conditions of filth and squalor that people had to live in. You imagined this happened in Victorian times but it's difficult to think it was still happening then. And probably is now.

On a brighter note I met W later back at the British Museum where we had afternoon tea - very pleasant! My picture is of the Ice Skating rink outside the Natural History Museum, and there are some more pictures from my day here. And they include what I suspect might be the last Combine Harvester shot to feature on Blip this year!

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