
By intothehills

Talent Development Strategy Meeting

Odd title for what turned out to be a really good & productive brainstorming session from some real movers & shakers in the British climbing scene - oh & little 'ol me.
Felt pretty honoured to be invited along - and like to think I made a few worthwhile contributions.

Climbing has evolved so so much in the last twenty years - its a very hard job to try and predict & help what comes next - but it was great to see influential climbers old & new, policy makers and governing boards all wanting to get involved in helping develop our next generation. Often when this sort of thing takes place it focuses on competitions - re-hashes the failed Olympic bid - or has too many agenda's - but today was a breath of fresh air - real joined up thinking - cross fertilisation of ideas and disciplines - will a really good wall climber be an exceptional ice climber - will they even want to try? how do we find out & create the opportunity.
This was the first fifteen minute sessions ideas board - by the end of the day we had enough material (dozen & dozens of A1 sheets pinned round the conference room) to really have the start of a plan to take us into the next decade - I'm just glad I don't have to write it up!!

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