Garden Sculpture

A special Photo Group I belong to gathered at the home of one of our members for an end of year celebration. It was a “Pot Luck” meal so each of us contributed a dish for lunch. It was a banquet. There were cameras everywhere and much fun and laughter. We had all brought a small gift and I was given the honour of playing Mother Christmas.
I amazed members by not having my usual big DSLR with me and being satisfied with capturing a few images with a compact camera. There was amusement when I took out my knitting. I had taken it with me as I have little time to sit and knit and Christmas is coming up soon. I am trying to finish knitting a hot-water bottle cover for one of our dearest friends. I have already finished one for his wife. I confess that knitting hot-water bottle covers and scarves are the limit of my knitting skills.
Any way I did manage to capture this image of a lovely garden sculpture in Barbara’s garden. I understand the faces represent the sun on the left and the moon on the right. I love it.

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