... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

Goosles: "SURPRISE!"

More startling in large ("L").

Well, Mr. was startled in any case...
Aw, the Goosles were on top form this morning (even if it was dark, damp, and grey). I went to visit them with my mother and they rushed over for oats; after munching on the oats, Mr. started barking a "take off" call, and they both took flight from right next to us. They flew around the area near Eagle Pond before Mrs. landed on the water, and Mr. went around for another pass (checking the perimeter?). They then did lots of splishy-splashy washing before hopping out so that Mr. could continue his territorial strutting looking all the more splendid...

I've uploaded a set of shots for Flickr (right from "marching over").
Synchronised Goosling
Mr. barking and looking totally goofy
Taking off

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