
By Technophobe

When The Levee Breaks

I was out taking all sorts of what I thought would make good blips this afternoon and couldn't understand why they were all so dark. It turned out that I hadn't reset the white balance back from 'tungsten' after mucking about taking Christmas tree lights last night. I hadn't forgotten , just not pressed select to change it. Grrrr.
So it was that this phone shot out of the car window was the about the most interesting thing I got all day. The River Alne had burst its banks at this spot as it is prone to do. I took this before having to reverse a couple of hundred yards back to a gateway to turn round. I didn't realise we had had so much rain as the village wasn't flooded. So all the flood prevention things that were done a few weeks ago appear to have worked. Hurrah!
Coffeepotter knew the river had gone walkabout though as she had only to look in her garden!

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