Bending Light.

I finally found something that stopped me with my camera......this little trickle of water, moving and dancing out from the culvert....seemed to shimmer with the light passing through it, creating such an image, reminding me of the cuts in a crystal glass bowl. It was glorious to play around with different settings, finding out what happened when i changed shutter speeds.....anyway, i totally enjoyed my venture out in the industrial landscape that has so far been somewhat challenging!!!!

Feeling pretty exhausted today after a 7 hour throwing session in the studio!!! this is the last day i have to throw pots on the wheel as tomorrow is my last day and all the pieces now have to be let harden up so i can trim them!

Then thursday, it's back home, to my own studio and my lovely man and my sweet dogs!

It's been wonderful spending time with friends and family, but i am so looking forward to being back in my own bed!

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