Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Went to see some friends this afternoon who were visiting Egremont in west Cumbria to start clearing out K's mum's house who died a few weeks ago and I offered to help as K wouldn't be able to do anything himself :) Hopefully I didn't hinder them very much. I haven't seen them for a good 3 years since they left Cumbria so it was great to see them again. They've been through a lot in the last three years, many highs and some lows. K was diagnosed with MND earlier in the year so things are tough for them.

I took the scenic route via Loweswater as wanted to see the snow. Had lunch in the car with Misty but no time for an extra walk, Misty was ok about it as she'd had a good run around in the woods with some terriers back home! I'm sure a lot of people will know exactly where I was when I took this shot :)

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