Christiana Helen Perry

By ChristianaPerry

Big man, Small dog, Nice jacket.

The relationship between a man and his dog is a special one. As is the relationship a woman has with her hairdresser. When God was handing out the loyalty trait she gave me double, and then some. My hairdresser may well be the 4th longest relationship I've had with a man.

We understand each other. He doesn't ask me where I'm going on holiday next year and I don't listen when he tells me to grow out the fringe as it doesn't suit me (Ok after 2 years I admitted my stubbornness and out it went). Instead I flick through the magazines, not reading, just looking at the pictures (it took him 2 years to work out I could read, I just loved photography).

Today's discussion was business plan for running own hairdressers - rental location, overheads, lease terms, marketing and social media, a man who hadn't washed his hair in 2 years (it took 8 shampoos and the water was black) and how to dress in -14c temperatures. Visits are always stimulating (not least from the head massage) but I missed my beer (they'd run out).

What is it about a cut and blow dry that makes you feel like you can take on the world once more?

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