My Angels

Just some of the team who have been looking after me. My first kidney stones and stay on the Urology ward was 2005. Today I asked the cleaning lady who has always been there, how long she had been on the ward - 25 years she replied but was still in the training stage and pointed to her colleague who had been there for 35 years. They both quietly get on with their, I'm sure, thankless job and when patients ask them for things for which they are not responsible, they are always friendly and either do what was asked of them or give a helpful answer.

Had a good night and this morning the tube & bag was removed. Although she had done the same procedure 5 weeks ago, the female nurse (Blip-bottom right) asked first if I wanted a male nurse to do it. As always I replied no, just pleased to get rid of it as soon as possible. The nurse loves the UK and like many of her young colleagues makes use of Ryanair flying from Memmingen to London, Edinburgh & Dublin. I think Ireland is her next planned trip. She replies in very good English when I greet her but they never have time for a longer chat.

Then an ultrasound check if the sheath/pipe in the urethra was sitting properly. The doctor saw something on the screen which vaguely looked like a stone but could have been part of the sheath. She was a bit puzzled as the senior doc who had done the procedure had said he had done a complete clean out.

Heard no more so thought that was it. Somehow managed to survive the rest of a boring day. Good room mate but he had a serious operation in the morning and was flat out. He must pay in to a private insurance as he was able to demand a two bedded room, so the middle bed was removed and it's just the two of us.

All looking good and nothing standing in the way of going home tomorrow. Frankly ought to be allowed home today.

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