Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Friday Morning Flat View

I like Friday mornings; the first day of the weekend and I don't need to be up early and out the flat to go to school. I can enjoy my morning coffee in our bedroom and even indulge in a second cup. Bb was up and out across the square to his writing cafe this morning as he wanted to get a couple of hours under his felt before a coaching call at midday. It's a bit chillier in Cairo now, but not too cold to open the bedroom window - shown here. The mozzie screens are closed though. We took a taxi over to the Mohandesin area this afternoon for a wander in the afternoon and tonight went to the carol service in All Saints Church, then to Hanah's Korean for a Christmas drink and dinner with Nicola, a teacher from school, before she heads back to Australia for the Christmas break. A nice day!

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