shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Oxford Gospel Choir

A musical Christmas celebration this evening with Oxford Gospel Choir. A group of us from work went to cheer on a colleague, David, who has sung with them for years, seen here during his solo. Very entertaining night indeed, in good company, and some lovely voices to listen to as well. The balcony were definitely having more fun than the ground floor.

Evening made even better by hearing that Callum has been moved down a breathing support from CPAP for Vapotherm, and is doing well. Due to having been sedated and immobile for so long his neck muscles have atrophied and he can't hold his head up any more, but knowing his love of seeing everything going on, that won't last long! The physio has also been in and given the staff particular positions to put him in to help strengthen his muscles. Can't wait to see him in less than a fortnight!

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