Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

Freezing but Bright

Cycling to Aiden's ballet lessons this morning we stopped at the bridge by the Mill and ended up having a chat to passer by with her Giant Schnauzer, she would have kept us there all day, but we had to go.

Picked up Blood Pressure tablets on way home, I will begin them tonight, fingers crossed for no side effects.

This afternoon while walking Lola a golden lab tried to attack Her, this is the second time a golden lab has gone for her, it might even have been the same one as before, this time I got a photo of it and it's arrogant owner. I do not blame the dog at all, it's the idiot of an owner who needs to control it or put it in a lead.

Received 4 more Christmas cards today and Kids putting up the Christmas tree tonight, so, "it's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas".

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