tempus fugit

By ceridwen


I stopped to listen to the brass band on my way into the farmers' market and wondered what makes a young teenager don the regulation shirt, tie and blue jumper and spend his Saturday morning with a bunch of (mostly) grey heads, pumping out festive tunes on a cornet? I'm in awe of this kind of dedication.

100 years ago
In 1914, when War broke out, the Band held a meeting and decided that those of the right age should join up as a Band. They did this and from Kinwell Park in North Wales they were transferred to France, back from the Front Line, where they were used as escorts. One particular day, it seems, they were having a quiet smoke between duties, when an open car came along with an officer and his driver. "Put your instruments in the car and come with me" the officer said. He gave them each a rifle and marched them away. They were scattered then to different regiments.
I wonder how many survived?

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