Alex Cornish

Saturday felt like a reprise of Friday, a day working followed by a fun night out in Leeds. I did escape for a run on the moor around lunchtime, finding some snow, and loads of black ice (the Keighley Gate Road was akin to a skating rink), and got home with my blip in the can, only to find an email from the blipday boy himself, Mr. John, reminding me about a gig for which he had secured us places on the guest list courtesy of Leanne (thank you so much). Work and play has been so full on this last few weeks that I had completely spaced the invitation.

The gig was at the College of Music and Mr. John took me on a route from the station through the back alleys and past his favourite haunts, meeting some of his 'girls' on the way. My eyes were on stalks. It would have been all too easy to have been severely distracted by all the activity on the street but we resisted temptation and arrived at the venue in good time. The gig was opened by the bass player of the Alex Cornish Band, Paul Gilbody, who played a delightful little set. Alex joined him at the end, and then the other members of the band arrived for a final number together, which segued into the main act.

It's rare for me to go to a gig where I'm not already reasonably familiar with the music. Without knowing the songs, and understanding the words, the mind can wander and become disengaged. This was not a problem here. The songs were thoroughly engaging ... as was the banter. Alex has a wonderful voice and the band have a great sound. They are all real musicians. It seems criminal to me that these guys are not better known. After years and years of hard graft, I suspect that might be about to change. I really hope so. We had a chat afterwards and such a genuine bunch of talented people, passionate about their craft, truly deserve a small taste of success. And I guess success here means not so much earning lots of money (although I suspect a modicum of financial security would be very welcome), but just having their songs heard by a larger audience. Good luck guys. Thanks for a great evening.

A little taste of Alex here, with Don't Hold me Back. His latest album, which I'm listening to right now and is wonderful, is not yet on general sale but can be bought directly from his website. He'll sign it for you if you ask. It might become valuable when he's famous!

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