madwill's world

By madwill

If You Go Down To The Woods Today.....

you'll find a dumper truck lurking in the undergrowth.

At the far end of our local woods is a little cottage (well not so little anymore as they have just added a whopping great extension) and the owners appear to be 'guardians of the woods'. Sometimes I see this dumper in the woods collecting trees and logs.

When not in use it is parked up behind the house and today as we went by the sun was lighting it up quite nicely. Timing was lucky here as 30 seconds later the sun went behind a cloud!

I spent the morning fitting the new lino in our cloakroom - not a great deal of fun really, need to be an India rubber man to reach around all the fittings to trim off the waste.

Despite the sun it was still quite frosty in places and there was a lot of ice on the puddles.

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