Plumber's pocket

December Challenge Day 14: random - Indoor still life

The wind returned with a vengeance this morning, and the woofers and I got blown around as we tried to walk up the hill. We were beaten back by an icy missile strike hail shower. Back home and with the dogs dried off, my beautiful fiancée and I sorted out some stuff round the house before a quick lunch and a westward zoom to collect Evie the Wonderdog for a wander.
The waves at Warbeth were pretty impressive and the wind so strong that HV and I struggled to walk. The fence provided much needed assistance on several occasions. It also stopped us from being blown into the middle of a field.
Back home once again and we had a visit from Emmy. It seems ages since we have seen her.
Now we are about to head out to see my folks singing in the cathedral.
Today's blip is part of the accumulated detritus from one of the pockets in my work fleece. No wonder I get holes in the pockets...

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