
By lifeincolour

dancing shoes

Here are the shoes my daughter got on Friday night. she's so excited as they are 'heels'! She's been wearing them around the house to break them in for her 2 parties on Tuesday! I need to teach her not to swing on the heels!

In other news I got food in for brownie party, done some laundry, made Carmel shortbread for school party, cooked sausage rolls for brownie party.

Also a bit concerned as my dog is.under the weather and not even bothered when I dust! We usually have a tug of war with the duster but she just lay and looked at me. If no improvement tomorrow will take her to vet.

Only a 2 day week in work for me then I'm off till 29th. Not resting on my laurels though in school on Wed, thurs helping out, brownie party, rest of xmas shopping to finish and wrapping to do and a.little cooking as well!

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