Life's A Dance

By DancingArcher

In The Dog House!

So today Pete gets home early from work and I ask him if he will take Harley out so I can get on with my own work. He agrees and says he will walk him to Hampden Park and let him run around the fields. No problem I say.

Later on, the phone rings - it's Pete - "he won't come back! I've tried everything, he's only interested in chasing the birds"

An hour later he is still going so I have to go down and see if I can help. Nope, not interested in me either but he looks dead on his feet and he is still running.

Thankfully, someone we know turns up to walk her dog and I explain our problem so she says she will see what she can do. Well of course, he runs straight over to her doesn't he! So now we have a very wet and muddy hound who can now barely stand on his own 4 paws he is so tired.

We get him home and he goes straight in the bath, no protest and he places his head on the edge of the bath and practically falls asleep while we are showering him down.

The picture is of Harley and Hugo sharing the sofa after his shower.

To round the day off, Jamie and I went to football to see Brighton take on Millwall in what I believed to be a must win game. We were poor and the result reflected this as we went down by 1 goal. Still in the relegation zone and not looking good for the rest of the season.

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