Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

At Ross: Little loved pony...x

Trying to spend time with our little cob, is always a struggle. In winter, the days are so short that we wake up, go and let him out and then he is back in at 4pm. There is little time for anything else in between. The children wanting to ride tonight settled doing stable jobs.

Jack being a hardy sort really doesnt need to be in on a nighttime. That said, it is wet and he and the children enjoy the contact at the end of the day. If anything, even this small amount of contact means that Jack is touching base with us in these short winter days. Thats a good thing for him and Beau, who enjoys catering to his every whim!

(sorry for the poor quality of this shot.. The light in the stable was terrible, and the iPhone 5c really struggled.. pulled it about on lightroom, so get something from the shot.) x

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