
So many birds around today. The goldfinches flutter down but fly off as soon as they see movement. Chaffinches and green finches stay a while longer.The coal tit flies in and out as quick as a flash. The long tailed tits twitter as they arrive and fly from suet block to fat balls and then to sunflower seeds. Great tits and blue tits fight for a place on the feeders. The robin flies up and hovers at the fat balls taking small beak falls and is often chased away by another. The blackbirds, counted 7 today, hoover up bits that have fallen to the ground and make an annoying noise. The dunnock quietly hops among the bushes while the wren explores the pots. Wood pigeons land heavily and almost skid on the ice. The woodpecker wearily watches from the tree before holding on the suet feeder pecking with it's large beak. The starlings have visited chattering away and one sparrow made an appearance.
The fields were alive with fieldfares and redwings with one song thrush joining in.
Crows watched from the trees hoping I would put out something for them but they had to search their hiding places for food today.

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