Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

Muckin' Abaht

I've tried to recreate a selfie of Poppy's here, but I don't think my version is as good. It was fun trying out different effects and playing with the brightness. I'm definitely at the bottom of a steep learning curve.

Monday, as always, is housework day. I sat down at about 11 for a coffee and caught some of a 'Christmas Stress' phone- in on ITV. The first caller sobbed as she explained that she couldn't afford a single present for her 3 children. When she can afford to buy food, she feeds the children first and prays that they'll leave something on their plates so that she has something to eat.

I sat with tears rolling down my face thinking about the things I find stressful about Christmas; Is the turkey big enough? Do we have enough fizz? What if one of the children catches a bug? How disappointed will they be if we don't get them everything on their list?

We received a case of Taittinger Champagne from D's business partner today. How many people could we feed with the money that cost?

Makes you think.

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