
This was a brief text exchange with the teenager this afternoon. I was still in work, marking some books. I had instructed (yes, TOLD HIM) to use a disclosing tablet when he got home from school in order to check that he was getting all the hard to reach places around his braces when he was cleaning his teeth.

I confess that I laughed at the "disclosing tablets are cool" comment, but the "murdered smurf" absolutely finished me (and sent tea back out through my nose).

I am so glad to have a witty child.

Otherwise, productive day, with the realisation that disinformation and chinese whispers can actually turn out to be really helpful in putting youngsters off potential naughty behaviour. Also, when engaging in a 'stare off' it is best not to pick me, as I can outstare a cat...which makes me a Stare Off Ninja. At least two children have learned that in the past week - one in fun today and one who thought that I would be 'intimidated' by her standing and staring at me. She lasted 3 seconds and then flounced off.

Ho ho ho!

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