Tired mummy

Well, I was up early this morning, 5am but I soon went back to sleep, curled up in Daddy's side of the bed, well, he was night shift. I then finally got up at 7.30am. Quick breakfast before getting dressed to head to my childminder.

I had playgroup this morning. I was naughty as I bit a little boy. He took the music box that I was playing with so I but him. I was put in to time out. I told daddy about it when I got home. He was surprised that I remembered what I had done and why. He said I was wrong to bite, so I have not to do it.

My childminder picked me up. We went home for lunch before we started our Christmas crafts. I had great fun. We sang and danced to Christmas tunes. I was tired when I got home.

When it came to bedtime I was very upset. I was asleep then up 3 times before I finally took myself back to bed. Mummy came up later to give me medicine and put more Vicks on my feet. Hopefully I will settle until morning. Its daddy's last night shift, I can't wait to see him tomorrow.

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