.... needed to revisit the garden today and found the lorikeets are back in the callistemon.

As you also have no doubt heard that shocking siege has ended sadly with two people killed and others injured as the police ended the affair around 2 am our time this morning. Seems the café manager was shot by the idiot involved as he attempted to take his gun. Not sure about the lady killed. The idiot was also killed, all the detail still to come out. But, a little irony for our judicial system to ponder! The idiot was on bail (some how) for another attempted murder case, and the lady killed worked in the judicial system!!! How some of these people are out on the streets I never know??

Whilst enjoying the solitude of the garden also got this wasp in flight! Not the best shot but I liked it!

Enjoy, and have a look in LARGE and "see you guys on the other side" as Blip HQ change to this brilliant looking new site.

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