
By Ivanbar1

Alison's Phoenix Palm

This is my sister- in-law Alison with her grandaughter Ruby. They called in at the farm today after a visit to the Hobbiton Movie Set, which is very close to our place.
Alison is the eldest of my husband's five sisters and she is one amazing lady and also the Matriarch of our family.
When she was born (over 70 years ago), her Mum planted this Phoenix Palm tree in what is now, our garden. In photographs of the children growing up, we always see the tree in various stages of height and development along with the nine siblings in their various ages and stages.
Last year, an American visitor to our farm was so intrigued by the story of Alison's Tree, she had a brass plaque made with the words Älison's Phoenix Palm Tree"inscribed and she sent it to us when she returned to the USA.
The plaque is what Ruby and Alison are pointing to as it was the first time they had seen it. Alison was very amused!

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