
By TynvdB

clouds all around me

The world is full of abhorrent "massacres of innocents". Not everywhere at the same time, not every day in the same place. But the everstriking presence of perpetrators of absolute evil at any place in the world is so evident, that we have lost our childhood belief that somewhere out utopia of the good, the beautiful and peace exists as a refuge intouchable by evil.

Nevertheless, when I still believe strongly in our "Carlsheaven" dream - somewhere over the rainbow - this of course has to do with my conviction that we can and should add our small stones to that yellow Brick Road leading toward what we name "a better and peaceful world". That is not "the world "in the sense of factual materiality, society, history, politics, aggression, war and terrorism.

When I'm speaking of "the world" I mean, this concrete experienced situation, to be transcended, transformed, recreated, into a life-world, which deserves the name "human" and "humane". A world cared for with compassion and respect. A world which offers a haven for people of good will and faith. Whether Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu or Islamic. A haven for a-theists as well. For all creatures in this world, all the animals, the non-human as well as the human. Irrespective of gender or sex, political or religious belief.

We know that life means suffering. And we have to learn from death, loss, pain and painful experience.  We have to understand that whatever successful position we would have deserved to look back upon, does not safeguard us for searching answers on ultimate questions: How can we confront the ever recurrent destruction by absolute evil? How deep is grounded our faith that enables us to persevere and endure this confrontation?

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