random rancid rambles

By rancidand


is yellow and intensly lemony and cardammomy and it is brilliant. The lemon flavour comes from hanging your curd for 8 hours. Apparently the bacteria stop it going off. And there is a mango version - Amrakhand. Went to a thali house tonight to try and beat the record for cups of mango juice drunk. Didn't manage.

Did have a wander though and saw this sugar cane juice shop, no idea what is in the bags but there is the cane in front of the shop. This one is mechanised, the ones on the street have a big arm and a man or a donkey revolves it to drag the cane through the press and extract the juice.

Made a couple of tactical blunders today at work but I wore my opponent down. I've wasted so much time trying to get this done right I was at the stage of getting the person taken off the project and doing it myself. Had to sort it today cos I am training the person who will work closest with them, and we have to be saying the same thing. Once I got them to the stage of saying "I see your way but can't we continue like this for now, and I'll do it your way next time" I knew I had won and went for the jugular. As the conversation continued I had already hit the delete button to get rid of the rubbish.

We had the first count up in the IPL fantasy league and I'm last. Pulled a fast one - I meant the other Morkel - and got rid of a player that is injured, bringing in Eoin Morgan - but he didn't get a chance to bat tonight as Bangalore demolished Rajasthan.

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