Tie a knot in it.

Funny but the sight of the cigarette with a knot in it reminded me of another Ireland I knew when I was a teenager. Contraceptives were banned and if men were thinking of having sex before they were married they were told to tie a knot in it. Seeing this in the men's toilet always evokes the image of those times. So there you are, if you can't be safe tie a knot in it.

Newspaper article at the time
IRELAND: The Contraceptive Corps
Monday, Jun. 07, 1971

When the train pulled into Dublin from Belfast one Saturday evening last month, customs men tensed. Out poured some 50 housewives, typists and shop girls flaunting hundreds of birth control devices. Members of the Irish Women's Liberation Movement, they were challenging the anti-birth control policies of the Catholic-dominated Dublin government and, in particular, the Criminal Justice Act of 1935, forbidding the import or sale of contraceptives.
Though a majority of Ireland's Catholics probably still support the church's strictures against birth control, there has been growing agitation recently to repeal or modify the law. To focus attention on the controversy, the women entrained for Belfast, where contraceptives are legal, and fanned out through the downtown shopping area to make their purchases. Back in Dublin's Connolly Station a squad of uncomfortable-looking customs men, forewarned, awaited their return. Also on hand were 150 Lib supporters waving placards reading: WOMEN ARE BABY MACHINES! and I'M ON THE PILL?ARREST ME!
When the would-be smugglers emerged from the train, a customs officer raised his hand to halt the procession. One of the women cried, "Loose your contraceptives!" and a shower of condoms, pills, diaphragms, foams, intrauterine loops and spermicidal jellies fell at his feet. Some women tossed the contraceptives over customs officials' heads to friends. Others produced the pill, swallowed it, then challenged customs men: "Now confiscate that!"
Two railroad officials tried to block the view of television cameras by holding up a large wooden board. A young woman reached through the railing and poked one of them in the nose. As the bewildered official retreated, another woman shouted: "Coward! Fighting with a woman!"
One woman was stopped and asked if she had anything to declare. "I've purchased a contraceptive," came the reply.
"Where is it?"
"I'm wearing it."
"Oh," said the embarrassed officer. Without further ado, she was let through. There were no arrests.
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