Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Le Wii Fit

Okay so as I'm watching Acronymphomania lose weight and feeling bad that I'm not making an effort myself. The problem with me is that I know I don't really eat too much that's bad for me (the last few days cupcakes notwithstanding) it's my lack of exercise that's the killer for me. My exercise consists of walking to my car, carpark to work and vice versa. When I was working in America I ate rubbish all day but because I was doing a job that had me walking about all day I lose a bunch of weight. So I'm determined to do it again by getting on the old Wii Fit.

I don't use the term 'old' lightly. When I switched on the Wii it said it had been 297 days since I'd been on and my goal had passed. Ooops. It also said I had lost 6lbs in that time so it wasn't all bad!! I thought about photographing my weight in honour of the blipblubberbuster challenge but didn't want to scare anyone so you'll have to just live with the fact that the little orange tubby Mii on the right is me. She's round. I'm round. That's as much info about my weight as you're getting. ;)

I hate to say it but I really quite like the running. Well, thats a lie. I don't love it at all. I feel better after doing it. I can do the yoga til I'm blue in the face but I sit down and don't feel like it's been worth it. When I'm doing the aerobics exercises though it tires me out and I feel better after. So I've set a goal of losing 10lbs in a month. Definitely achievable if I work hard and cut back on the cupcakes... ;)

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