beauty of the nature

By Hadi

The old farmer!

i spotted him on the side of the road working at his farm! (looks better in large but found nowhere to upload it in large! all sites are blocked! sorry!)

this is another blip from my stranger portrait series!

maybe you ask why do i choose most of my subjects (strangers/old houses) from village? don't we have any strangers or old houses at our town?
the answer is that we do but it's not easy to walk and do the photographing in town! it would be suspicious!

and the first thing that will come to people's mind is that i'm photographing girls, and if they see i'm photographing an old man they'll say "look at that idiot, there are many girls around and he's photographing an old man! he's got serious issues!"

in larger cities it's ok, nobody knows each other and you can photograph anything! in towns which have tourism places also it's a normal thing! and in village... they love men from TV!

but a town (without any tourism place) is something between a village and a city!

it would be ok if people know i'm a photographer! but nobody knows it except a few people!

sometimes after people (who already know me) get to know i'm a photographer ask me to show them some of my photos! i give them my blipfoto address! and they reply "ah, i have more important things to do at internet! here, take my flash card and fill it with your photos!" and it takes half an hour to explain them about copyright in photography and after all they give me a you-stingy-i-could-take-better-photos-if-i-had-your-camera look and walk away! and it always happens!

in people minds (in a town like mine) there are 3 kinds of photographers (i think)

high class photographer: someone who has a photography studio! in my town they make a bloody great money but their work is so bad and the only thing they know of photography is pressing the shutter! (why don't i start my own studio? needs lots of money!)

middle class photographer: a photographer who works for a PRESS!

low class photographer: someone who does n't include in any of above classes! (like me!)

and in neighborhood also there might be some gossips about the photographer!

"hey, yesterday VB was at his balcony with a large camera! i think he was photographing your house!"
"but there is a house between our houses! how could he?"
"he's got a large camera, he can!

and the first thing that might come to a neighbors mind would be that i'm photographing their house and their daughter, even if they don't have a daughter!

these all might sound ridiculous but it's not! i live in a small town which has no interesting place for photography (in a public mind) so it would be suspicious to see a young fella walking in streets and photographing people and houses! same about the view outside my house, there is just a pile of dust and garbage outside!

these are limitations but they don't limit me! they may cause an improvement also! it causes i get out of town and get some pure object for photography!

and after all i can get to a village with just 10 minutes of driving in any directions, so why would i even want to do the photography in town?

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