with wings, restless

By rosa

Down by the Green River where Paradise lay

I recently learned that my great grandfather on my father's side was a coal miner. In Kentucky. He was also a Baptist minister and he had a farm. It's easy for me to feel so far removed from what is and how it came to be that way. I love how even when I'm driving past a strip mall I can look up and see this.

I borrowed John Prine's 'Paradise' lyrics for today's blip. That song always makes me teary eyed. Ever since I moved here and learned about the history and economics of coal, and started hoping for the end of mountain top removal (which is exactly what it sounds like). And started hoping for a lot of things.

I heard somewhere that the the Southern Appalachian forests are the most biodiverse temperate forests in the world. They certainly are beautiful.

I feel so wealthy to live in these mountains.

(p.s. this is my view when putting my hand over the fast food restaurants and highways, and just looking up.)

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