mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Sitting up!

Aidan and I had a fun day today. We went to Monkey Music this morning where Aidan enjoyed practising sitting up, banging on a tambourine and shaking a bell (also biting and licking the bell, not really music related but he enjoys it). Then we went to Sainsbury's, Aidan did not enjoy this as he was hungry and mummy was trailing him round the supermarket.

We had lots of playing this afternoon, tummy time, air time (when Aidan wriggles around without his nappy on) and sitting up. He's been a bit sicky today, hence the bib. He is quite a sicky baby which is why you will often see him with a bib on. He is still enjoying his solids, some more than others but he's giving everything a go.

I was hoovering again today. Think that's the second or third time since Monday. Don't know why I am loving it so much but I just can't get enough of that hoover. Anyone need some hoovering done?! Lol!

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