The Royal Lyceum Theatre

Outside the Royal Lyceum Theatre the street is all messed up by building work, but for once the trams cannot be blamed. This is the residue of the construction of the monstrous wart that is the Usher Hall extension. Eugh.

We were at the Lyceum to see "Every One", a new play making it's premiere here. Tonight was "First Look Friday" which means cheap tickets and in this case, our second chance of the year to sit in one of the boxes. There were elements of production in this that were very good, and some very poignant moments, but overall it didn't really hang together to me. It was somehow too self-conscious, bordering on the pretentious. I can't fault the company for their performances, but it just didn't quite gel. Still, I love seeing stuff even if it doesn't get me going, and this year we have already seen two plays at the Lyceum we really enjoyed (The Price and The Beauty Queen of Leenane).

Off diving tomorrow, so I'd better go get some rest!

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