Raccoon cam

Despite it being on the frigid side, walking down the alley after dark felt pleasant. The treacherous, icy tire ruts are distant memories. All that remains of winter is such an abundance of grit that sneaking around the alley unheard is difficult. In addition to that, every garage has a motion detector light that clicks on as soon as you walk by. It's fun to point and snap at each one and pretend it's the powerful electric field surrounding me that's making them come on. Easily amused, I know.

No doubt that the animals that use the alley to get around unseen are pleased too, especially the three legged raccoon that I found sleeping in the trash can one day. He was so toasty and relaxed that I had to tip the can over to get him to leave. I know they have wicked nails and teeth and carry rabies. They're also marvels of adaptation and survival in a world where two legged creatures have taken over...and they're darn cute, to boot.

Again I had the complete pleasure of the lunch company of two favorite, standard sized people and three miniature ones. Lucky, lucky me.

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