
By LadyFindhorn

The Farmers' Market

There isn't much to report from the castle today.

The morning wander through the old town to the Farmers's market and back home was pleasant and uneventful: it was reasonably mild and the gale force winds of yesterday were absent. Not so the tourists who seem to have arrived in droves in Edinburgh. The upside of this is that I merge with the camera wielding visitors and so draw no attention to myself. The downside however is the constant presence of someone in my view finder. The more interesting the venue, the more people there are.

Now it's time to blip and watch the afternoon's rugby: Wales v Italy and Scotland v Ireland.
Unfortunately I can see the wooden spoon coming our way.
Oh well it's not the winning, it's the taking part that counts......... isn't it?

PS It's a pity there isn't a facility to scratch and sniff for this blip

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