Hand Writing Effeciency...

I have noted in the past that I don't do joined up writing but I chanced upon a revelation today whilst showing Bethany how to write a few words for her pictures.

It occurred to me that joined up up writing, at least the way I was taught at school, is a bit inefficient in terms of effort and and resources. You actually have to go over lines about 30 to 60 percent more of the time than if you just write the letters independently of each other. Although there is possibly a loss of efficiency in lifting and placing the pencil or pen for each letter, the number of strokes used to create a sentence must be a lot less.

So, I don't have bad writing, I just have efficient writing.


Notes on the Picture...
This is the Salt 'n Sauce Balloon man that we found today on Buchanan Street when I went to get a balloon for each of the kids for being pretty good on our Glasgow public transport adventures.

He comes to Buchanan Street because as is extremely obvious it is the busiest shopping precinct in Scotland. Bethany only wanted a heart balloon and I picked a Nemo for Ewan but he could do some brilliant creations from Disney to Simpsons characters, monsters and bunches of flowers. Very talented.

Ewan's Nemo wasn't that big but it was amazing. It was white and orange, striped and even had a string of bubbles coming from it's mouth. By the time we got home, Ewan had reduced it to a white striped heart on a stick.

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