Alfafan's photo journal

By Alfafan


Oronsay is a small, uninhabited island about a 2 mile walk from Ullinish on the West coast of Skye. Oronsay has a tidal causeway and if you aren't careful about the tides you can find yourself having an unintended, enforced stay on the island until the next low tide.

The island has a small peak of about 300 feet and the views from here are amazing. To the South you can see the Cuillins, to the West you can see the Western Isles (North and South Uist) and to the North your views are limited by MacLeod's tables, 2 flat-topped peaks near Dunvegan.

This picture shows the scenery looking west, back over the smaller of the 2 sea-cliffs, to the hamlet of Ullinish. Angela is developing (pardon the pun) an interest in photography and she can be seen snapping away looking North towards Dunvegan.

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