expectation and disappointment

Poor soul. Whatever he was expecting to find (maybe some Amazing Technicolour Giblets) was or were evidently not there. He popped into [whatever the Alldays is called these days] to buy a replacement for it a second later so hopefully it wasn't his wallet which had gone missing.

I was briefly considering taking a series of pictures of people at work today after TFP pointed out Marion's impromptu alteration to David's normal appearance this morning but apart from a shot of Peter T and Lorraine's daily astrological consult and a shot of people staring out of the window trying to see what all the beeping was about I didn't get much material and ended up resorting to still lives of the desk area. Maybe next Friday instead.

I popped into the museum on the way home in the vague hope that the shop might have a Rubik's Cube amongst the various techno-sciencey toythings but no luck. The roof was heaving with shoutypeople so I just went for a sit on the steps instead for a little read and a telephoto-lurk. Although it was a little too gloomy to get many decent shots I was entertained and annoyed in equal measures by the ease with which a group of lonely parking monitors were beguiled by the whining and pettish arguments of a yahcouple who were "but we were like just over thaaaire getting a coffee, yeah?" to the extent that they recalled the crane-truck-thing and gave the people back the Smart car attached thereatop. In such situations I much prefer the parking wardens' usual air of jobsworthy obstinacy, especially when dealing with people who can evidently afford the car-release fine.

I've been working through further pictures whilst writing this and am now having an horrible moment of indecision between disappointed bloke above and a man of his time spotted a few minutes later. PFFF.

EDIT: Red's suggestion to combine the two gentlepeople has been actioned.

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