
By napoleon

The (Lost) Book Of Dave

I saw this in a charity shop yesterday, and had been meaning to buy something by Will Self for a while. It quite literally had my name on it, so I snatched it up without even reading the back cover. Then I went for a walk, looking for a blip, and parked my hips on a bench to gaze out over the vista before me. I took a few shots and headed home to watch Scotland finally win a game of rugby, and forgot all about my new book.

Then today, when packing up to head back to Edinburgh, I couldn't find the book anywhere. My first guess was that I'd left it somewhere while out taking photos. So since the last place I remember having it wasn't far from the house, I went to have a look. There it was, sitting as you see it above, on the bench where I'd left it, only slightly damp. Now this either says that folk in the sticks are decent, honest people, or have no interest in books. Make your own mind up.

On the way back to the house, I read the back cover. It turns out the book is about a London cabbie called Dave who writes a book of advice to his estranged son, but it gets buried and lost for hundreds of years, only to be found and then spawn a new religion.

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