
By LadyFindhorn

High Street Close

Today has evolved in to a rather stressful one.
Apart from a little problem of rising damp which has had to be addressed, there is the no small matter of half a book to read for tonight's book group and some desk top publishing for a friend which needs to be finished soon.

The book in question is 'The Children's Book' by A.S. Byatt which I have had four weeks to read. I only read in bed at night and unfortunately it is a fat book with small print so after 4 pages my brain starts to hurt and my eyes close. I'm just beginning to find a storyline in it buried in the usual Byatt cleverness where she imparts every kind of information, historical and otherwise about art and politics at the turn of the century. Not bedtime reading for me at least and I would never have persevered this far had I not felt that I didn't want to be the only member of the group not to have tried at least.
I think I'll sneak a look at the last few pages to see the ending and maybe not appear too stupid.

On the desk top publishing front, I seem to have erroneously acquired a reputation for being able to manipulate photos and do fancy things with them, which means I'm in the firing line for requests from friends. If only they knew........

On the positive front, I've persuaded two people that I hardly know to join Blipfoto. How cool is that?

The blip shows that not every High Street close is a tourist attraction.

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