Sqeek Against The Night

By SqeekyJojo

Would Madame Like Her Publicity Shots Now?

Yep, it's a cat picture.

Her name is Mitzi and she is twelve this Spring. She was fished out of a bucket when she was five weeks old, much to the annoyance of the person about to deal with the 'problem'.

My usual disguise of mild mannered janitor was cast aside for a stint as a venom spitting harpie - My English Lit. and Drama studies at college came in handy, as I convinced him I was really tough and scary. Luckily, he didn't notice my legs stopping working as soon as I was a quarter of a mile away.

Once they started working again, I tucked her into the pink stripey scarf wound around my neck and we set off together with her perched and purring on my shoulder.

She's been my number one fan ever since.

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