The Chaos Bros

By vik


This is the ceiling in Bro 3's bedroom - not good!

It was fine yesterday afternoon then at bedtime I discovered we had a little problem. No pipes leaking that I can find so I'm assuming that all the strong winds on Friday have damaged the roof & then yesterday afternoon's rain got in.......Bro 3 slept in with me just incase it got worse.

I can build flat pack furniture but that's as far as my DIY goes so what to do? Decided husband can fix it!
Husband due back from Spain mid afternoon so he can deal with it then.

BUT just found out his plane has been cancelled!! He is now getting put on a coach to Valencia, a mere 3 hours away, to get another plane who's destination remains a mystery- if it's Edinburgh I'll be amazed.

So the saga continues with rain forecast tonight, I'm off to phone a friend!

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