mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Big boy!

What a day! I had planned to take this great blip that I had been thinking about for ages. It was going to incorporate all the things are special about March for me and Mr Mono. Especially today! This time two years ago was the second last day of our honeymoon. This time last year I was having my very first scan. Aidan was 11wks + 5 days old in my tummy. This year my little boy is 5 months and 3 days old.

As today was particularly exhausting I didn't do my special blip. But I did blip my special little boy :)

Walked to the baby clinic this morning, only about a 10 minute walk from the house, bit longer with a baby strapped to your chest. I put Aidan in the Bjorn, as is our habit when going to the clinic. Mainly because you can't take buggies/prams into the room. On the way I was thinking the wee man was feeling particularly heavy. Turns out my BIG boy is 17lbs 4oz!!! Then I had to carry him back home via the cash line as I needed money for post natal Pilates. Exhausting!

When we got home it was a quick feed for Aidan and a change for me into my Pilates gear. I had this great idea to get the bus to the class. Never been on the bus with Aidan before. Last week it cost me over £3 to park and the bus would only cost me £2.40 (not a big saving, I know, but maternity pay isn't up to much). We waited ages for a bus then one came along and the driver said you'll need to collapse his buggy or you can't get on. I told him I'd wait for the next one as Aidan had just fallen asleep. Next one comes the driver said you're going to need to collapse that buggy or you can't come on. Well, If I hadn't I'd have missed the class. I get on the bus and the person that is already on has a 4 year old, awake, sitting in a buggy. Surely he could have been sitting up in a seat?! I took Aidan out propped him up on seat (not safe at all, I know) while I collapsed his buggy. At this point everyone in the bus is staring at me and the driver wouldn't go till I put the buggy down. I'm no expert with the Maclaren either as we only got it a week ago. Just as I get us all sorted and sat down the woman with the 4 year old tells him to get out the buggy and sit on a seat!!! Argh!!!!! The bus sucks! Is it worth my 60p saving? No.

During the Pilates class Aidan stayed awake the entire time 'talking' and blowing raspberries. Makes it a wee bit hard to stay focused on your core! The woman that takes the class is great though, she runs around all the buggies entertaining the babies so the mum's can continue the exercise.

Peace at last, Aidan is asleep in his buggy and I am having a well deserved seat :)

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