Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium


This isn't what I was supposed to blip today. I'm officially having a Bad Day.

It was absolutely pouring down with rain this morning, but being in an optimistic kind of mood I decided to make the most of it, so I stopped in the park to take pictures. I spent about half an hour there, almost freezing to death, getting totally soaked through but taking some really cool water drop pictures. I was actually pretty proud of them.

Then I got into work, put my memory card in the card reader and...

"Photoshop does not recognise this type of file"

Aaaargh! Somewhere along the line all my photos from today got corrupted. I'm blaming the card reader, I only got it two days ago. Stupid piece of junk. I then proceeded to have a morning pretty much dominated by a million technical problems, which I won't bore you with.

Anyway, this cheered me up. It's part of my Christmas present from my best friend which arrived on Monday (yes, I know, we're reaaaaally slow at gift-giving). The fact that I got Christmas presents at the end of March cheered me up, but the fact that the presents were all winter themed made me smile even more. Since it's hand-made I was told not to look too closely at the knitting.. sort of disobeyed that then :)

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