Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

This Day in Photos

Terrific Thursday!

The top three frames were taken this morning in the Writing Center while I was on-duty there. I teach a class first thing in the morning and then go directly to the Writing Center. It was packed with students.

I had such a good time with my students this morning. We are reading articles that deal with the topic of education and its importance (and then they must learn how to write a summary of each article). This morning we were comparing the difference between their former high school days to their current college academics.

"Oh, high school was so much more fun," they tell me.
"Really?!" I said. "Why?"
"Oh because our teacher was our friend."
"Well, that means this class is not fun and I am your enemy!"
They quickly replied with, "No! No! That's not what we meant."
"Well, what did you mean?" I asked.
"Our high school teachers would have parties for us."
"Seriously?" I retorted. "You mean I've got to have a party in here everyday in order to keep you interested and attending?"

"Shoot!" says I!
"If I were in your shoes and the teacher was going to have a party every time we met--bring in donuts, orange juice, and Starbucks--well, hey, I'd just stay home because I'd realize that I was not going to miss anything important and I'd rather have the time at home with my pillow."

And then I said, "Come on, some of you have to admit that you wouldn't come here if you weren't gaining anything." They agreed. It was a morning of good discussion.

Then late this afternoon I arrived home and walked through the door and into "Date Night."

We were both hungry, so we decided to start going -- we didn't even know where. We decided if the 15 Freeway wasn't bunched-up we'd drive north to somewhere, to some lovely restaurant.

Then I suggested that we take a detour to stop by the Galleano Winery to get a wee bottle of smashed grapes; so we did! What a fun moment that was.

The three middle frames are from the winery gardens and grounds. I couldn't resist climbing up onto the tractor. Somehow I landed right in the middle of all of these frames. How fun! I stole photos of some of their "F"s and I'm not going to spell it; remember I am trying to decrease my use of the F-word (see yesterday's blip). The "F"s on the winery grounds look like cousins to the ones I blipped in our backyard yesterday.

Then on to dinner at Ciao Bella Ristorante because that is where Jorge at the winery told us to go to have an exquisite Italian dinner.

So the last row of photos captures a lovely place we had never been to before; a place that we enjoyed immensely. I especially liked the final photo -- a shot of dinner -- filet mignon for two -- waiting to be placed on someone's table, not ours; our entrees were Bolognese for me and grilled salmon for Mr. Fun.

The highlight of my day is sitting across the table with the man who is my best friend -- the one who shares my quiet moments and the one who shares my crazy moments. The one who takes the mundane of my life and helps me turn it into music.

As this day pours out its last few minutes, here's a little music for our blip family and friends, especially Rob, who adds music to everyday. I love Thursdays.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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