You pays your money...

We hit the cinema for a double bill today of Green Zone and Shutter Island.

For the former, we were pleasantly surprised to find ourselves all alone in the cinema (which we had previously never been to) for the 1pm showing; quite something seeing as we were bang in the middle of a city with over 20 million people. The projectionist even waited until I had finished taking this shot before starting the movie*.

As for the film, I wasn't too impressed. It all seemed just a little bit out of date and like Larissa pointed out, it's hard to listen to the phrase 'WMD' without Team America popping into your head.

The latter performance (and the better film) was a bit later in the day and therefore it would have been unreasonable not to expect an idiot to come in thirty minutes late and blether away on his mobile, an expectation that was duly fulfilled after thirty minutes.

Never mind.

* Interestingly, the RAW version of this shot was unusable. As it stands, I'm quite pleased with this fully manual (including focus), hand-held ISO 1600 effort, though it doesn't survive big mode too well.

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